Saturday, August 29, 2015

Abstract Canvas .....

So I just have to share these ....

Today I taught my Abstract Canvas Class at Seriously Scrapbooking .... 
I was nervous ... I had no idea how it would go ... 
how I would get across what was in my head .... 
and .... well ... I'll let these photos do the talking for me .....

I am so proud.
This is why I teach,
My heart is full.


  1. These look simply AMAZING..... what lucky, lucky peeps to do such a class with how they all turned out so differently, too:):)

  2. Wow - the canvases are totally gorgeous and awesome. I tried abstract once (once being the keyword) - ended up covering the canvas with gesso)! But, these ladies did such a wonderful job - you did an amazing job teaching!


Thanks so much for leaving me some love! xxx