Had a nice weekend so far. Went out yesterday to watch Trev's old football team play. Actually play is not the right word - maybe - get their arses kicked it better! :) I was nice to go out to a game as it has been probably 12 months! We used to go every weekend for 10 years but now that Trevor's body has started complaining and he has retired, we just find something else to do as a family. This afternoon we are off to a friend 50th birthday afternoon tea thingy which will end up in us getting rather drunk I am predicting!!! It's only around the corner so Jess can ride her bike and we will walk! Should be a great afternoon.
Well, I am off to make the lolly bags for Jess' party next weekend!
Hi Nat, Love what I can see of the 7gypsies book, told you I would. Look forward to creating. Have fun at you party this arvo. Im off for a stitching afternoon with a group of friends, which should be good. Catch you soon. Cheers Sue