Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Me & Jess

The May Family

Trev & Jess

I have had the most relaxing week so far - NOT!

Actually it has not been that bad.

Sunday we had our Christmas lunch and gift exchange for my family which was great - nice an relaxed. Went down to Louise and Mark's place and sat in the back yard under their big beautiful trees and had a late meal. Lovely! Jess got some great gifts, new bathers, beach towels, books, Junior Monopoly which she loves, I finally got an iPod - Thanks Michelle You rock, Trev got a voucher for the home brew shop which he was pretty happy with so now he can get his new filter! I love spending time with my sister, I just wish we did it more often.My Mum & Jessica

Jessica and a very pregnant Aunty Michelle

Jessica handing our gifts with Nonny & Aunty Lou in the backgound

Miss Jessica unwrapping a gift from Aunty Louise & Uncle Mark

A busy day in the shop on Monday - Gee, anyone would think it was Christmas! :) Lots of people coming in from the country to have a look and I got to meet the lovely Tiff Firth from Cummins! Such a sweetheart - thank you for taking the time to come and see me babe! Off to tea Monday across the road with Mark & Wendy & a few others for homemade Christmas pizza.

Yesterday was spent looking after 18month old Miss Emily! Wow. She is such a beautiful little soul. Her and Jessica had a ball.

Today, I am off to the shop to spead some Christmas wishes, home again to clean, cook a roast pork , potato bake and honey carrots and serve tea for 10 tonight!

Jess is so excited about Father Christmas coming tonight! To me, this is what Christmas is about - the Magic in their eyes.

So have a Merry Christmas and I will be back in the next few days with photos, scrapping (hopefully) and tales of laughter!


  1. Merry Christmas Nat to you and the family. Hope you have a good one. Catch you in the new year.
    Cheers Sue

  2. Merry Christmas Natalie and wishing you and your family a wonderful New Year!
    Aga xx

  3. hiya Nat.
    So great to meet you IRL. What a busy day in the shop that day. U must have been pretty buggered at the end of that day.

    You were excatly how i had pictured you in my mind. Capable, busy and knowledgable. Even your voice was pretty much how i imagined it.

    looks like you and your family had a great Christmas season. I wish you a safe and creative 2009.



Thanks so much for leaving me some love! xxx